Remove Wishlist & Reward Points
This is an Opencart v2.0 Vqmod that removes Wish list and Reward points.
For Default Templates
Custom Templates - YMMV
Modifies the follow files:
catalog / view / theme / * / template / common / footer.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / common / header.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / product / product.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / product / category.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / product / manufacturer_info.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / product / special.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / product / search.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / account / account.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / module / account.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / module / featured.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / module / latest.tpl
catalog / view / theme / * / template / module / bestseller.tpl
english / checkout / cart.php
Unzip & install thru Extension Installer or upload to vqmod/xml folder
Compatibility: Opencart,,,,
- Remove Wishlist & Reward Points
- OpenCart